Wellness Services
We offer a variety of wellness services to decrease pain, improve mobility, and make lasting changes in strength and endurance.
Dry Needling
Dry needling is a therapeutic technique used to alleviate pain and improve muscle function. It involves inserting thin, sterile needles into trigger points or tight knots in muscles, tendons, ligaments, or near nerves to stimulate a healing response. Potential benefits include; pain relief, improved range of motion, enhanced blood circulation and chronic pain management.
Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is a great way to keep away aches and pains, and to improve mobility. It involves manipulating the soft tissues of the body to increase blood and lymph circulation, bringing in new nutrients that tissues need to heal and removing old toxins. Massage therapy can also be used to improve the pliability of muscles and fascia to improve freedom of movement.
Cupping Therapy
Cupping Therapy is a form of treatment in which a clinician applies cups to the skin to create suction. This directs blood and nutrients to targeted areas of inflammation or pain to improve circulation. We specialize in dry cupping, which involves creating the suction with a mechanical pump rather than a flame.
Recovery Room
Self service pain relief and relaxation. Some of the best ways to provide quick relief are massage, compression, and in some cases heat or ice. Our recovery room features a massage chair that performs a body scan to ensure effectiveness, a Normatec compression system, Hyperice heat and vibration therapy for myofascial release, and a Hyperice massage gun.
Strength Assessment and Circuit
The American Heart Association recommends having at least 150 minutes of moderate to high intensity exercise per week. We offer a personalized strength circuit to accommodate this level of exercise. We recommend starting with our strength assessment to be sure to know your starting point, and to keep track of your progress.